My Tool for Program Reflection
I belong to an electronic Al‑Anon group, categorized on the Al‑Anon meeting search page as a “bulletin board” group. I love it! It has become a powerful tool for working my program, because of the unique advantages a bulletin board format provides over the live meetings.My ability to attend bulletin board meetings is not limited by set meeting times. These meetings are open and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. I can go every day, which has made a big difference in my progress.Bulletin board meetings are conducted in writing, with sharings posted and left up for a month. I can go back and revisit anything I find helpful, which allows me to study Conference Approved Literature (CAL) and absorb the experience, strength, and hope shared.Each morning there is a new meeting topic posted on the site, with corresponding CAL and a lead from the meeting chairperson. Just as in any Al‑Anon meeting, experience, strength, and hope from members follows. If I don’t feel ready to share, I can go about my day, explore my reactions and feelings around the topic, and then come back to post my share when my thoughts have settled. Bulletin board meetings allow me to develop a deeper understanding of the topic and of myself.
By AnonymousThe Forum, December 2024Feel free to reprint this article on your service arm website or newsletter, along with this credit line: Reprinted with permission of The Forum, Al‑Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA